Week in Review – August 1, 2014

Cordell & Cordell News

Men’s Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site DadsDivorce.com have teamed up to present a series of news round-up videos at the end of each week.

In this week’s news, Cordell & Cordell showcased a new Frequently Asked Questions section on the their site to assist new and potential clients in finding out general information about firm practice and procedure.

Dad’s Divorce featured a piece on National Parent’s Day, a holiday celebrated last Sunday. Parent’s Day strives to recognize the roles of both parents equally and tries to step away from any ongoing gender stereotypes.

Men’s Divorce published an article focusing on the antiquated gender stereotypes men face while going through divorce, and how these assumptions can negatively impact fathers who played a major role in taking care of the kids and home.

Check out the weekly video below:

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