When you are going through a divorce, it can feel like the one part of your life that kept you grounded is no longer there. You no longer have a spouse to rely on and the same type of family to come home to after …
7 Back-To-School Co-Parenting Tips
Co-parenting isn’t easy. It requires communication and coordination with someone you no longer like to be around at best, and despise with a hateful passion at worst. But regardless of how you may feel about your ex, successful co-parenting is necessary for your children’s wellbeing. No matter …
CONTINUE READINGHow Do Parenting Time Guidelines Differ Across State Lines? – Men’s Divorce Podcast
Cordell & Cordell Executive/Managing Partner, CEO Scott Trout and Utah Litigation Attorney Elly Hendriksen discuss the challenges involved when co-parents live in separate states. Whether it is before, during or after a divorce, it can be difficult to navigate parenting time when your co-parent lives in a …
CONTINUE READINGHappy Father’s Day from Men’s Divorce
The unique experience of being a father cannot be denied. Regardless if you are married, have never been married, or are divorced, your place in your child’s life matters. Your child benefits from having you in their life. Countless studies support the physical and mental …
CONTINUE READINGEngage in Your Identity This Father’s Day
From the moment that you first lay eyes on your child, they become your world and who you are. You and your co-parent become responsible for that little one, regardless of your marital status. From their perspective, you and your co-parent become their world too. …