10 Quick Property Division Tips
Preparation and perspective can go a long way when it comes to every aspect of divorce, and that is especially true when it comes to up a divvying marriage’s worth of assets (and debts). The property division aspect of divorce can create a very hostile situation that is not very conducive to amicably going your separate ways. However, that doesn’t necessarily need to be the case if both parties follow the procedures set in…
Renting vs. Buying: Searching for Post-Divorce Housing
When you are going through a divorce, it can feel like the one part of your life that kept you grounded is no longer there. You no longer have a spouse to rely on and the same type of family to come home to after a long day at the office. You may not necessarily have the home you once did either. You may be sticking it out in your marital home after consulting…
The Million-Dollar Question: How Much Will My Divorce Cost?
Predicting the overall cost of divorce is on every guy’s mind when they choose to divorce, but the truth is it is an unanswerable question.
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