Dealing with Fatigue During a Divorce

  • The divorce process can incite a level of exhaustion and fatigue that may render you incapacitated.
  • Seek help and find time for yourself.
  • Pay attention to what your body needs during this time.

Remaining vigilant for as long as the divorce process can last is an exhausting expectation. It requires constant focus and concentration. Many feel that if you take a break and lose sight of the experience, you may fall behind and lose a part of your future that you may have been entitled to.

Whether it is a percentage more in alimony payment per month or a particular asset that you may have had your eye on, the exhaustion of the divorce is something that many individuals in the process of divorce feel like they are attempting to outrun.

In addition to the chaos of daily life, divorce can force you to expel more energy than you previously thought possible. The idea that “staying strong and powering through” will sustain you until the process is through is reliant on the fact that you will not have any sort of moment of weakness. The truth of the matter is that we, as human beings, are unable to trek through the difficulty of life itself without some sort of moment of rest. The attention required to every detail is not sustainable without a moment of rest.

Cordell & Cordell understands the concerns men face during divorce.

Help seeking

While the emotional exhaustion of the divorce experience may be interpreted as stress, it’s important to make the distinction and not leave it unnoticed. The Sociology of Health and Illness journal chronicled how important it is for men especially to seek support for ails them.

According to research, men often interpret health-related ailments as stress, which is related to the fatigue and exhaustion being felt. The research also suggested that the discourse of help-seeking was gendered, due to the masculine ideal that a man intolerant to pain does not seek the care and support that they need. During the divorce experience, that need for support stands out even more, due to the exhaustion and fatigue that the process may incite.

Functioning efficiently

With divorce’s ability to slow your productivity down at work, it may be time for you to take off a couple of days and refocus your energy on yourself. Giving yourself an opportunity to feel and function at a less than optimal level for a period of time is a healthy way of coping with a separation or divorce, according to Mental Health America. Depending on your job, you may not be able to perform the same functions or interact with customers in the way that you would need to, in order to perform effectively in your position.

It may seem like a good idea to go to work, in an effort to interact with other people and feel like you have a support system around you. However, it is much more effective to seek a support system outside of work, as to not jeopardize your employment status with your current state of fatigue.

It’s important to continue to take care of yourself during this difficult time. As much as it may seem attractive to avoid personal maintenance and hygiene, part of taking a break from the physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion of the divorce experience is taking care of yourself, and that includes your appearance.

Pay attention to your body

It is important to pay attention to your body and recognize when something is needed. If more sleep is needed, then go to bed earlier. If you are not eating enough, then eat more. If you are exercising too much or too little, then adjust your routine accordingly. Fixing aspects of your daily habits that are broken may lead to the boost in energy and rest that you need to maintain your focus during the divorce process.

In an effort to take a break for a moment, utilizing your hobbies also will do you a world of good. Whether it is taking a moment to watch your favorite television show or going to see a movie that just came out, these momentary breaks offer an escape and a second of uninterrupted relaxation.

These breaks are important for you to continue moving forward. So much of the monotony of one’s daily routine can be defined by the exhausting tasks that take away one’s ability to function, and during a divorce, that feeling is heightened. Finding time to deal with the fatigue of the divorce process as it occurs will allow you to return to the proceedings with a clearer focus and a more level headed

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