How Do Parenting Plans Work After Divorce? – Men’s Divorce Podcast

Cordell & Cordell Executive/Managing Partner, CEO Scott Trout and Arizona Litigation Manager Tali Collins discuss the construction of a parenting plan and how divorced co-parents can utilize the parenting plan for the benefit of their children.

They describe how vital it is to have plans and strategies for civility in writing, so that legal specificities can be enforced in the future. Scott and Tali stress the importance of having an attorney help construct a parenting plan, in order to specify crucial provisions.

Cordell & Cordell continues to produce monthly webinars and virtual town halls and frequent podcasts answering your questions and addressing your concerns about how the virus is impacting family law.

Click the link above to listen to the full episode. Also make sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or whichever podcast app you prefer.

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