How Do I Modify a Divorce Decree During the Pandemic? – Men’s Divorce Podcast

On the latest episode of Cordell & Cordell’s podcast series about divorce during COVID-19, CEO, Managing/Executive Partner Scott Trout and Nebraska attorney Christopher Johnson discuss the modification process of alimony and how the current economic climate may be affecting your financial outlook, forcing modification to become necessary.

With over 40 million unemployed and many with furlough status, reduced hours, or reduced pay, modification becomes a necessary component to your financial health and future.

Cordell & Cordell continues to produce weekly webinars and virtual town halls and daily podcasts answering your questions and addressing your concerns about how the virus is impacting family law. You can find all past webinars and podcasts on Cordell & Cordell’s COVID-19 and Divorce Information Hub.

Click the link above to listen to the full episode. Also make sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or whichever podcast app you prefer.

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