Being Ready for a New Relationship After Divorce

With how much pressure in society revolves around personal relationships, it can be emotionally exhausting for those who have just experienced a divorce. You can feel like you have failed in some way or have not done enough to keep up with peers. While comparisons


Navigating Social Waters After Divorce

When you were married, you may have had certain habits that you fell into. You may have had certain friends that you hung out with for couples’ nights or for other types of social occasions. You may have grabbed a drink with the guys or


Life Doesn’t End When You Get Divorced

Before your divorce, your life may have included your marriage, but that was not the defining aspect of your life. You still grew up, went to school, had friends, had relationships, had jobs, had a place where you lived, and had a personality and emotional


Maintaining Post-Divorce Wellness

After a divorce, there are some who turn to their favorite vices, in order to recover from the emotional weight of the divorce process and to distract themselves from the uncertainty of the future. They turn to drinking, drugs, food, gambling, and other pleasures, in