Week in Review – September 12, 2014

Cordell & Cordell News

Men’s Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site DadsDivorce.com have teamed up to present a series of news round-up videos at the end of each week.

In this week’s news, Cordell & Cordell announced two free divorce seminars that will be taking place over the next few weeks. The first is a Men’s Divorce School conference on Wednesday, Sept. 21 in Sacramento, Ca. This event gives an introduction to areas such as child support, custody, alimony and more.

The second seminar, presented by Cordell & Cordell and the American Society of Attorneys-CPAs, will be held on Thursday, Oct. 16 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. The workshop, titled “Getting Divorced Without Going Broke,” is run by CPAs and attorneys and gives some tips for getting a divorce without breaking your bank account.

Dad’s Divorce published an article titled 5 Bizarre Divorce Laws in the U.S.  This list includes laws from around the country that appear to have little reason to be on the books, but low and behold, they are part of the state’s divorce statutes.

Men’s Divorce introduced a new Men’s Divorce Forum, adding yet another useful resource for men to utilize when going through divorce. This community gives users a chance to ask questions and trade experience with other members, and offers

Check out the weekly video below:

September 12, 2014 Week in Review Links

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