Week in Review – November 14, 2014

Cordell & Cordell News

Men’s Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site DadsDivorce.com have teamed up to present a series of weekly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories.

This week, Cordell & Cordell Principal Partner Joe Cordell was the keynote speaker during the AAA-CPA Fall Meeting & Education Conference. He also participated in a panel discussion titled, “Prenuptial Agreements – Representing the Economically Dominant and Weaker Parties,” which discussed both sides of drafting a prenup and how to devise creative solutions.

Dad’s Divorce posted an answer to an Ask a Lawyer question regarding modifying child support. Most states require that you prove there has been a “substantial change in circumstances,” which can include a range of factors. For example, a significant reduction in income could qualify for a reduced child support obligation.

Men’s Divorce published a new Attorney Bites video on the potential need to consult with a criminal attorney during your divorce if charges of domestic violence arise. These allegations can result in both civil and criminal charges, and while your divorce attorney can advise you on how to deal with the civil aspect, they are typically not suited for counseling on the criminal side.

November 14, 2014 Week in Review Links

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