Week in Review – December 5, 2014

Cordell & Cordell News

Men’s Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site DadsDivorce.com have teamed up to present a series of weekly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories.

This week, Cordell & Cordell announced the opening of a new office in Florence, Ky., which will help serve as a resource for men going through divorce in the northern Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio region. Cordell & Cordell currently has more than 170 attorneys working in over 90 offices across the United States, and will continue to expand moving forward.

Dad’s Divorce posted the first piece in a new recurring column submitted by a divorced dad. The author, Dad X, offers tips and advice on getting through the divorce process from his own experience, and new articles will be posted to the column at the beginning of each month.

Men’s Divorce published a new article on why it is so challenging to predict the cost of a divorce until everything is finalized. Due to the unique and shifting circumstances of every divorce, such as the number of contentious issues that arise and the willingness of parties to work together, the cost can vary dramatically. However, there are some steps you can take to reduce the total cost and avoid unnecessary expenses.

December 5, 2014 Week in Review Links

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