Spousal Support

Alimony Basics: Factors, Types and Decree Protections
If you are thinking about or currently going through a divorce, one of your prominent concerns may be the chance of getting stuck with a long-term alimony payment — a fear likely fanned by the Internet. Horror stories abound on the Web of men (and …

Are You Afraid Of Asking For Alimony?
Because you shouldn’t be. In an era of changing social economics where women are increasingly becoming the primary breadwinners for their households, the number of men receiving alimony is still remarkably low. According to the 2010 census, only 3 percent of the roughly 400,000 alimony …

Can You Afford A Stay-At-Home Ex?
A blog post attempting to calculate a dollar figure for the value of a stay-at-home mom recently went viral when a father determined that “he cannot afford his wife.” By looking up the average cost of services such as daycare, cleaning, shopping, laundry, etc., Steven …

Reducing Or Terminating Alimony And Child Support
Child support and alimony are fairly common issues in divorce that continue to affect the parties for years, or even decades, after the divorce is finalized. These obligations often place enormous financial strain on the payor when they must continue to cut their ex a …