Additional Information
The divorce process requires an in-depth understanding of many different areas to successfully navigate from start to finish. From dealing with emotional challenges to mediation, Additional Information offers tips and info on many critical aspects of divorce.
As many find out while going through the process, divorce is incredibly complicated with more nuances and exacting procedures to work through than most realize when they decide to file.
The Additional Information section contains many of the areas that do not fit neatly in the other categories of Divorce 101, covering topics such as communication, mortgages & debt, mediation and more.
Essential Topics
How you communicate becomes increasingly prevalent throughout the divorce process. Whether you are learning the basics of developing an attorney-client relationship to how you interact with your soon-to-be ex, you will quickly learn that your daily communications are analyzed under a microscope. It is important that you learn how to properly communicate with different people as the divorce progresses.
Where you once had a romantic relationship with your spouse, you must become strictly professional. You may have never considered much about posting to social media, but now your Sunday football tailgate photos are being brought up in court to show you’re an unfit parent who drinks too much. Figuring out when and how to properly communicate during a divorce will save you a lot of trouble and could end up benefiting your case in certain respects.
Mortgages & Debt
Similar to property, debt will be characterized as martial or separate and divided accordingly. However, something to keep in mind is that just because a marital debt is assigned to your ex does not necessarily eliminate your responsibility and possible credit damage should your ex fail to make the payments.
A common example is when both spouses are on the mortgage to a home which is then awarded to a single party. Just because the court awarded your ex the home and responsibility to make payments does not take your name off the loan. If she falls behind, the lender can still hold you responsible unless she refinanced the loan into just her name. Debts can be a tricky area, but there are steps you can take to safeguard your credit following divorce.
Mediation & ADR
While most people associate divorce with each spouse standing in front of a judge and arguing their case, the fact is most divorces never reach that point. Litigation is expensive and time-consuming, so the majority of cases end up settling before ever reaching that phase of the process.
Through mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution, even extremely contentious divorces frequently reach a settlement without resorting to a judge handing out rulings. Not only does this often lead to lower costs and reduced conflict, but coming to your own terms is almost universally preferable to having the court reach decisions for you.
Emotional Challenges
As tough and supposedly unaffected as guys are supposed to be when it comes to emotional health, research has repeatedly found men have a much more difficult time dealing with the mental aspects of divorce than women. Recently divorced guys suffer from much higher rates of depression, suicide and health risks, which means you should take particular care of your emotional well-being.
One of the biggest factors in moving past a divorce is developing a strong support network, which can consist of friends, family, therapists or a combination of the above. Additionally, guys need to avoid relying on unhealthy coping methods, such as alcohol, and find new hobbies or positive habits to help deal with the enormous amount of stress inherent to divorce.
It is fairly common to feel excited about the prospect of getting yourself back out there and meeting new people when going through a divorce, as many have been physically and mentally neglected for years before they finally decide to end the marriage. However, it is important to realize a few things about dating while separated or recently divorced before jumping onto
If you have not yet finalized the divorce, realize that bringing a new romantic partner into the mix can complicate things. While it may not necessarily be illegal, everything you do during the divorce process is viewed under a microscope, and seeing someone new before the papers are signed may be viewed negatively by the court. Additionally, rebound relationships shortly after a divorce are often unhealthy, so it is typically recommended that you wait a bit before getting serious.