Building Your Case

An Attorney’s Guide to Child Custody Battles: Part I
J. Rochelle Cavanagh, Esq., Contributing Author While no two custody cases are ever the same, there are some general guidelines that hold true for every single case, regardless of the circumstances. The following is a list of general guidelines I consider crucial for every litigant …

An Attorney’s Guide to Child Custody Battles: Part II
J. Rochelle Cavanagh, Esq., Contributing Author All custody cases are different; however, there are some general rules everyone should follow — regardless of their circumstances. This list of general guidelines is vital for anyone going through a custody battle. Some may seem self-evident, but you …

Dealing With Unjust Custody Laws: Part II
The battle to gain custody can be fierce, and while fathers are often put at a disadvantage, demonstrating that you are a positive influence for your child will go a long way. Additionally, knowing what guidelines your state uses to determine the best interests of …

Children: Never Leave Home Without Them!
Megan Williams, Contributing Author In many cases, when parties start the divorce proceeding and decide to live in different households, the separation plays a major role on the eventual outcome on the custody of any minor children. Too many times, the father moves out and …

Moving Out Before Divorce Is Final Causes Problems
The gut reaction for many people who are going through divorce is to leave the home they share with their soon-to-be ex immediately. While the temptation is obviously great and no matter how easy it is to justify — convincing yourself that moving out will …