Meeting An Attorney

Preparing For An Initial Consultation: Part I
When a couple decides to divorce, there are many major issues that must be resolved during the process before everything is finalized. Both sides are going to want opposing things, and you probably have an idea of how you want the outcome to look after …

Preparing for an Initial Consultation: Part II
After you have the basic information and an idea of how property division works, your attorney can get to some of the areas that will follow you long after the divorce and potentially cost you down the line. Issues involving spousal support, child support and …

What to Expect from an Initial Consultation
Marlana Caruso, Contributing Author So, you have to meet with a divorce attorney for an initial consultation. For many people, the very thought of meeting with an attorney is overwhelming. Thoughts of “what do I bring” or “what do I ask” automatically pop into your …

Divorce Attorney Tips: Getting The Most Out Of Consultations

Choice Of Divorce Lawyer May Determine Case Outcome
Divorce lawyers for men are in demand, unfortunately. When your marriage is beyond repair and the only alternative left is to get a divorce, it is important that you choose a lawyer with experience, one who is capable of reaching a fair outcome and protecting …