
A Quick Look at Financial Declarations
When you initially file for divorce, your attorney is going to require a stack of detailed financial documents to file with the court as part of your formal financial statement. Although it goes by different names depending on your state, (Financial Affidavit, Financial Declaration, Statement …

10 Tips To Save Time And Money During Divorce
The costs and time associated with a divorce vary tremendously depending on the extenuating circumstances of each individual case; however, there are some fairly simple guidelines you can follow that could help reduce the financial burden and time spent in court. Below are just a …

Helpful Hints to Manage Divorce Expenses
Divorce is rarely an inexpensive endeavor, and despite the tired, old punch-line that “it’s worth it,” there may be avenues for cost-conscious clients to minimize or avoid some divorce-related expenses. According to a number of Cordell & Cordell’s practice leaders, preparation, perspective and patience are …

Be Prepared! How To File Court Documents With Confidence
COURT APPEARANCES is a regularly recurring column dedicated to providing men – both pro-se litigants and those represented by counsel – with helpful tips for courthouse customs, processes and decorum. Courthouse business requires adequate preparation. It doesn’t matter whether you are representing yourself in a …

From Accounts to Bills: Six Crucial Financial Tips
If you go through a divorce, you’ll quickly learn that it’s not only an emotional ordeal, it’s a financial one as well. From separation of property to adjusting to your economic plight as a single person, divorce will put your financial savviness to the test. …