Over the past several weeks, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has disrupted lives across the world creating confusion and uncertainty about lies ahead.
If you are a man going through a divorce, you are faced with even more questions. If you are a father, your No. 1 concern is keeping your children safe and healthy, but the virus also might raise questions about your rights to parenting time.
Men’s Divorce sponsor, Cordell & Cordell hosted a free webinar that covered “Can the Coronavirus Affect Custodial Rights? How Divorces and Parenting Time May Be Impacted.”
The webinar was hosted by Cordell & Cordell family law attorneys who offered insight on how COVID-19 could affect your divorce and parental rights. The webinar covered a range of subjects, including:
- Safety tips to keep your family healthy.
- How to handle child custody exchanges while quarantined.
- The financial fallout of COVID-19 such as what you should do if you can no longer afford alimony or child support payments.
- How to move forward with your divorce or child custody situation if family courts are closed, due to the virus.
View the complimentary webinar, “Can the Coronavirus Affect Custodial Rights? How Divorces and Parenting Time May Be Impacted” above.