When you first begin dating someone, you hopefully get to see the various sides to their personality and decide for yourself whether you enjoy all of those various sides enough to be with that person for a longer commitment. However, there are times when you …
CONTINUE READINGTag: effects of single parenting
Taking an Active Role in Your Post-Divorce Therapy
After a divorce, you may think you can handle it yourself. You may think that after the divorce decree is finalized and you no longer need to rely on the services of your family law attorney, you can create a life for yourself without the …
CONTINUE READINGUnpacking Mother’s Day Feelings as a Divorced Dad
With Mother’s Day approaching, you, as a divorced dad, have your own feelings to unpack, regarding the holiday. Given how the divorce experience can often create tension between co-parents and how events, actions, and words can sometimes be used negatively when issues regarding child custody …
CONTINUE READINGThe Potential of Post-Divorce Life
So you went through a divorce? So what? Many men have gone through far worse events in their lives and have come out the other side able to create a better future for themselves. Even after suffering losses in the divorce process, the potential of …
CONTINUE READINGExploring Mental Health Risks After Divorce [Infographics]
The divorce experience can take a lot out of you. From the challenges that come from an unhappy and dysfunctional marriage, to the legal process that can drain you both emotionally and financially, to recovering from the stresses of the entire situation after the divorce …