When you are married, utilizing petty cash can solve a lot of problems. Minor purchases, such as a trip to grab fast food or a bag of chips from the local convenience store, do not show up on your credit card, and thus, do not …
If Her Attorney Requests My Financial Information, Am I Required to Supply It?
Question: My spouse and I are in the divorce process and have agreed to see a mediator. She has consulted with an attorney, and they are working on preparing paperwork. If her attorney requests my financial information, am I required to supply it? Daniel PearceDan Pearce …
CONTINUE READINGChanging Your Thinking Behind Saving Money After a Divorce
After a divorce, it can be challenging to think about your financial future. In the abstract, it can feel like you are facing a hill that you will never be able to climb. With half of your assets given to your ex-spouse, the recovery process …
CONTINUE READINGHasselhoff’s Situation Illustrates Need for Alimony Modification, Termination
When you have been paying alimony for a long time, it can make your bank account feel like a boat, attempting to stay afloat. However, the boat is leaking slowly, and no matter how many different supplies you may have, you do not have anything …
CONTINUE READINGMillennials Utilizing Prenuptial Agreements
When a couple decides to get married, they are promising to love, honor, and cherish one another “until death do them part,” according to the vows of the institution. However, life happens, and it does not always work out as intended. Even though divorce is …