10 Quick Property Division Tips

property division

Preparation and perspective can go a long way when it comes to every aspect of divorce, and that is especially true when it comes to up a divvying marriage’s worth of assets (and debts). The property division aspect of divorce can create a very hostile


Mississippi’s Problems with Divorce Laws

laying the foundation

No-fault divorce has helped many in the United States separate themselves from unhappy marriages. As previously stated, no-fault divorce allows a spouse asking for the divorce to pursue one without having to prove that the other spouse did something wrong. In some form or another,


Attorney Bites: Breaking Down The Discovery Process

discovery process

Men’s Divorce is happy to present the video segment, “Attorney Bites.” In this series, divorce attorneys will briefly break down various complex areas of family law into more easily understood pieces. This week, Texas family law attorney Brittany Sharkey offers a brief overview of the