Dissecting Individualism in Divorce Culture

In any institution, a culture develops around it. As they grow, cultures can add depth to the institutions they surround. Topically speaking, related interest areas continue to grow the institutions and the built-up culture that followed. Just as there is a culture of marriage, many


Examining Remarriage and Redivorce

Many individuals do not even get married. In fact, one in five adults ages 25 and older (approximately 42 million people) has never been married, as of 2012, according to Pew Research Center. These people never experience the highs and lows of a marital relationship,


The Physical Effects of Divorce

The divorce experience can be a taxing one, affecting all aspect of one’s health and wellness. Given the stress of splitting custody, assets, finances, and other aspects of one’s previous life, health and wellness are not often made a priority. In the heat of the


Dealing with Fatigue During a Divorce

Remaining vigilant for as long as the divorce process can last is an exhausting expectation. It requires constant focus and concentration. Many feel that if you take a break and lose sight of the experience, you may fall behind and lose a part of your