It’s one of the easiest things that you can possibly do, but after a divorce process, it may take a lot of courage to simply breathe. Waking up in the morning, starting your day, and going to work all require a level of effort that …
CONTINUE READINGTag: how to get through a divorce
Feeling Whole Again After a Divorce
The emotional weight placed on your shoulders as you go through the divorce experience cannot be understated. It can feel like an aspect of yourself that you loved and relied on is no longer there, forcing you to acknowledge what is missing. Much of the …
CONTINUE READINGFocusing On Yourself During the Divorce Experience
Even before the divorce process has begun, your internal dialogue reflects the negative experiences you may be having. Any type of spats you may be having with your spouse can create a variety of voices that reflect the negativity in your household. These voices can …
CONTINUE READINGWe Need To Talk: Bringing Up Divorce To Your Spouse
While ending any relationship is hard, ending a marriage is the most difficult of all. Not only have you likely been with your spouse for a long period of time, there are many more ramifications for both of your futures than if you were simply …
CONTINUE READINGAvoiding Post-Divorce Depression
From financial uncertainties to the very real chance of being limited to a weekend dad, the upheaval in a man’s life when he is facing divorce is enough to drive nearly anyone to the breaking point. It is no secret that the tumultuous process creates …