When you are going through a divorce, you have to illustrate to the courts your abilities as a parent. You have to show them how attentive you are. You have to show them how involved in your child’s life you are, and you have to …
CONTINUE READINGTag: parental alienation
Keeping a Close Relationship with Your Children After Divorce
Before any issues had begun to occur between you and your co-parent, you and your child may have had the best relationship imaginable. They were kind and respected your authority. You helped guide them through formative years and loved your role in their lives. Your …
CONTINUE READINGUnderstanding Parental Gatekeeping in a World of Parental Alienation
When you are a co-parent, you can sometimes feel like you always have to be on your toes, due to the looming possibility that your relationship with your child can be sabotaged at any point. You can sometimes feel like it will just take one …
CONTINUE READINGAnswering the Questions of a Child of Divorce
Divorce is not entirely about you and your ex-spouse. As difficult as it can be to admit, there are other people that are affected when you end your commitment. The challenges in that reality become apparent the second that you stare into the faces of …
CONTINUE READINGResearchers Characterize Parental Alienation as Child Abuse, Intimate Terrorism
As a divorced parent, you often can find yourself feeling that you do not spend enough time with your child. Whether it is an issue of not having enough parenting time or having difficulty enjoying the parenting time that you have, issues can surface that …