During the holiday season, you may come across additional challenges as a father who has gone through the divorce experience. You may find that you are not able to spend as much time with your children as you would like. You may not get any …
Assessing Your Post-Divorce Circumstances
After your divorce is finalized, you have the opportunity to look ahead, and while there is a great opportunity ahead to focus on the future, the nitty gritty of the present forces you to take a step back and assess the damage caused by the …
CONTINUE READINGStudy Examines the Positives of Parental Divorce
The struggles of a child of divorce can leave parents wondering about the challenges their child may face. They worry about how the adjustment of not having both parents under the same roof will affect them, as well as how much they may have been …
CONTINUE READINGFeeling ‘Left Behind’ as a Divorced Father
Noncustodial parents are left with tough choices when it comes to balancing raising their children according to the parenting plan outlined in the divorce decree, earning a paycheck, taking care of themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and financially, and paying alimony and child support. Sometimes, one …
CONTINUE READING‘Divide and Conquer’: A Mindset of a Child of Divorce
When you are a child of divorce, you can find yourself exploring your boundaries. “If Mom does not let me watch television past 8:30 p.m., trying it at Dad’s won’t hurt. If Dad will not buy me that toy that I want, maybe I ask …