Divorce is Forbidden in the Amish Community

In many religions and communities within the United States, divorce is a taboo subject that is discouraged, even in the unhappiest of marriages. Seeking to end a marriage can create conflict within families and among neighbors alike. One of the most recently highlighted communities to


Understanding Bigamy, Polygamy

Bigamy and polygamy are topics that do not come up as frequently as most marriage and divorce related topics, but they are often ones that garner a lot of interest. Many people want to learn more, and others just want to understand the reasons why


The Difficulties of Divorcing in Your 20s

Young love can create a picture perfect scenario that lends itself to a storybook style ‘happily ever after’, but remembering this being only a scenario can be challenging. The reality is even more challenging than that. Young couples can face very real challenges in their


The Dangers of Jealousy

It’s often referred to as “the green-headed monster.” Before, during, and after a divorce, jealousy can cause problems to manifest through its invasive nature. It affects everyone differently and can linger and fester for years. Jealous behavior can negatively impact one’s relationships outside of a