Attorney Bites: Vocational Experts

vocational experts

Men’s Divorce is happy to present the video segment, “Attorney Bites.” In this series, divorce attorneys will briefly break down various complex areas of family law into more easily understood pieces. This week, Pennsylvania divorce attorney Jamie Spero explains how a vocational expert can be


Attorney Bites: Running Credit Reports During Divorce

credit reports

Men’s Divorce is happy to present the video segment, “Attorney Bites.” In this series, divorce attorneys will briefly break down various complex areas of family law into more easily understood pieces. This week, Pennsylvania divorce attorney Jamie Spero explains the importance of running credit reports


Attorney Bites: The Benefits Of Parenting Classes


Men’s Divorce is happy to present the video segment, “Attorney Bites.” In this series, divorce attorneys will briefly break down various complex areas of family law into more easily understood pieces. This week, Pennsylvania family law attorney Jamie Spero explains how parenting classes can be