Men’s Divorce is proud to present Men’s Divorce Countdown, sponsored by Cordell & Cordell! Join Dan Pearce, online editor at, as he details the tax implications of divorce. Daniel PearceDan Pearce is an Online Editor for Lexicon, focusing on subjects related to the legal …
Millennials Utilizing Prenuptial Agreements
When a couple decides to get married, they are promising to love, honor, and cherish one another “until death do them part,” according to the vows of the institution. However, life happens, and it does not always work out as intended. Even though divorce is …
CONTINUE READINGDivorcées Facing Economic Hardships Experience Extra Challenges
From a financial perspective, a lot goes into the divorce process. Between all of the fees and extra living expenses, the numbers begin to add up very quickly. For individuals unable to afford the most basic of needs on a regular basis, let alone during …
CONTINUE READINGCertificates of Deposit Play a Factor in Asset Division
During the divorce process, the financial state of the marital couple is under a microscope, with both parties and their respective attorneys vying for their own interests. Each spouse is eager to protect their financial future, and with that desire, they have to remain vigilant …
CONTINUE READINGDividing a Thrift Savings Plan During a Divorce
In a divorce, securing your financial future is a one of the top goals that many entering the process hope to achieve. It’s important to remember that it will take time in order to regain your finances, regardless of your gender. There is a myth …