When you are married, utilizing petty cash can solve a lot of problems. Minor purchases, such as a trip to grab fast food or a bag of chips from the local convenience store, do not show up on your credit card, and thus, do not …
CONTINUE READINGTag: divorce help
Dealing with Dividing Debt During Divorce
The divorce experience is riddled with moments where you feel as though the outcome was supposed to be cut and dry, only for you to find it to be a different story. With every issue that may arise, comes an uncertain outcome. You may become …
CONTINUE READINGHow the Financial Losses in Divorce Can Impact Your Career
When you experience a divorce, you understand that there is some amount of loss involved. Whether it is financial or emotional, you feel like what you once had is no longer there, and there is nothing that you can do to get it back. You …
CONTINUE READINGIf Her Attorney Requests My Financial Information, Am I Required to Supply It?
Question: My spouse and I are in the divorce process and have agreed to see a mediator. She has consulted with an attorney, and they are working on preparing paperwork. If her attorney requests my financial information, am I required to supply it? Daniel PearceDan Pearce …
CONTINUE READINGSurvey: Men Receiving Alimony, Child Support on the Rise
Alimony and child support are difficult pills for you to swallow in post-divorce life. As a man, you have been socially assigned the notion that you are to be the one to help you ex-spouse financially recover from the divorce process and ease into her …