On the latest episode of Cordell & Cordell’s podcast series about divorce during COVID-19, CEO Scott Trout and Senior Litigation Attorney Erin Zielinski talk about the importance of constructing a plan with your co-parent, when your co-parent is a front-line worker during COVID-19. They highlight the vitality of communication …
CONTINUE READINGTag: custody agreement
Do Summer Parenting Schedules Start If At-Home Learning Is In Effect?
Question: My custody agreement said that we are to go to a week on/week off schedule, once school is out of session. The state has canceled all on-campus learning for the remainder of the year, but we still are doing schoolwork at home. Should we …
CONTINUE READINGCan We Install A Temporary Verbal Agreement To Our Parenting Plan Until COVID-19 Is Over?
Question: Can we temporarily change our parenting plan by verbal agreement until quarantine is over? Daniel PearceDan Pearce is an Online Editor for Lexicon, focusing on subjects related to the legal services of customers, Cordell & Cordell and Cordell Planning Partners. He has written countless …
CONTINUE READINGLosing Custody During COVID-19 – Men’s Divorce Podcast
Cordell & Cordell CEO/Managing Partner Scott Trout and Lead Litigator Jason Hopper discuss a worst-case scenario for divorce fathers of losing child custody during the Coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, with much of the country facing quarantine and stay-at-home orders, more fathers than ever are susceptible to being denied custody and …
CONTINUE READINGHow Can I Keep my Child Safer With a Co-Parent in the Medical Field During COVID-19?
Question: “My ex-wife is a nurse practitioner still seeing patients. I offered to keep our son, and she wouldn’t allow it. Anything I can do to have him with me to keep him safer?” Daniel PearceDan Pearce is an Online Editor for Lexicon, focusing on …