Attorney Bites: Fighting Parental Alienation

fighting parental alienation

Men’s Divorce is happy to present the video segment, “Attorney Bites.” In this series, divorce attorneys will briefly break down various complex areas of family law into more easily understood pieces. This week, attorney Charles Hatley explains how to fight back against parental alienation in


Attorney Bites: Terminating Spousal Support

Terminating Spousal Support

Men’s Divorce is happy to present the video segment, “Attorney Bites.” In this series, divorce attorneys will briefly break down various complex areas of family law into more easily understood pieces. This week, attorney Charles Hatley explains how to terminate alimony or spousal support obligations


The Value Of Depositions In Divorce


During the litigation process, no single aspect may be more valuable than the deposition. Simply speaking, a deposition is when a party or witness answers question on the record and under oath before trial. The rules governing questions asked during a deposition often mirror the