For children of divorce, the concept of not having access to both parents is a crushing realization during an already stressful time in a child’s life. For the noncustodial parent of the child, this notion is a harsh reality that they have to live with. …
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Illinois State Lawmakers, Advocacy Groups Pushing for Shared Parenting Amendment
Many courts rendering child custody decisions still believe that what is in the best interests of the child is for them to maintain a home with their mother, rather than considering the facts of the situation and what is actually in the best interests of …
CONTINUE READINGExamining Police Involvement in Child Custody Situations
With children, it can be difficult to determine how much of the ugliness of the divorce experience they have been a witness to. Even further, it can be even more challenging just trying to figure out how much they understand. One of the more difficult …
CONTINUE READINGThe Dangers of Oral Agreements in Divorce, Custody Cases
From the first sign of marital problems to the finalization of the divorce decree, it cannot be understated how important getting everything in writing is. Having a record of conversations, spending habits, and general occurrences allows you to make substantiated claims, regarding your divorce or …
CONTINUE READINGGoing Back to School After a Divorce
After a divorce, you may be looking for a new start. Many feel that what defined them during the course of their previous marriage is not something that they want to take with them moving forward, and that is okay. There is nothing wrong with …