Attorney Bites: Social Media in Your Divorce

Attorney Bites

Men’s Divorce is happy to present the new video segment, “Attorney Bites.” In this series, divorce attorneys will briefly break down various complex areas of family into more easily understood pieces. In this week’s video, attorney Cassandra Pillonel explains that it is often better to


Attorney Bites: Protection Orders

Attorney Bites

Men’s Divorce is happy to present the new video segment, “Attorney Bites.” In this series, divorce attorneys will briefly break down various complex areas of family into more easily understood pieces. In this week’s video, attorney Carrie Westbrook explains how protection orders can impact divorce


Attorney Bites: Parenting Time Disputes

Attorney Bites

Men’s Divorce is happy to present the new video segment, “Attorney Bites.” In this series, divorce attorneys will briefly break down various complex areas of family into more easily understood pieces. In this week’s video, Utah divorce attorney Sam Sorensen talks about knowing your custody


Attorney Bites: Know Your Custody Arrangement

Attorney Bites

Men’s Divorce is happy to present the new video segment, “Attorney Bites.” In this series, divorce attorneys will briefly break down various complex areas of family into more easily understood pieces. For the debut video, Utah divorce attorney Samuel Sorensen breaks down the importance of