
Discovery: Gathering Evidence, Learning The Opposition
The discovery aspect of a divorce seems pretty self-explanatory: It is when either party collects (discovers) the evidence to support their side of the case. However, it is more of a cooperative exchange of information than each side gunning to get dirt on the other. …

Quick Tips For Surviving A Deposition
If all other negotiations fall through and your divorce looks destined for a litigated battle in court, there is a good chance you will have to go through a deposition. This is not a fun experience — you will be taken into foreign territory (often …

The Advantages Of Settling A Divorce Out Of Court
Negotiating the terms of a divorce is difficult enough when you are on fairly good terms with your spouse, not to mention how much harder they become when you can barely stand being in the same room as one another. However, most estimates put the …

5 Tips To Avoid A Toxic Divorce
When the topic of divorce comes up, the conversation always seems to zero in on the combative and nasty accounts of people’s splits — because let’s be real, if there isn’t any drama, what is the point of telling or listening to the story in …