Week in Review – October 24

Cordell & Cordell News

In this week’s news, Cordell & Cordell Principal Partner Joe Cordell contributed a new article for his column in Financial Advisor Magazine. The latest post offers advisors a crash course in preparing to testify as an expert witness, though much of the information can be applied to anyone who takes the stand in court. This includes preparing testimony with your attorney, keeping cool during cross-examination and more.

Dad’s Divorce, a service of Cordell & Cordell P.C., answered a reader’s question regarding custody rights after his ex-girlfriend moved to another state, told him she was pregnant and that he would never get the see his child. While he will be entitled to some form of custody and visitation, it will be difficult to convince the courts that he deserves a significant share while he is living in another state. To prove he is committed to playing a major role in his child’s life, he will likely need to move closer to where his child will live.

Men’s Divorce, a service of Cordell & Cordell P.C., published an article from attorney Carrie Westbrook on the potential of needing a criminal lawyer during your divorce. If allegations of abuse arise, whether they are true or not, charges can be filed in both civil and criminal court. It may be necessary to consult with a criminal attorney who work with your divorce lawyer to advise the best course of action.

October 24, 2014 Week in Review Links

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