10 Quick Property Division Tips

property division

Preparation and perspective can go a long way when it comes to every aspect of divorce, and that is especially true when it comes to up a divvying marriage’s worth of assets (and debts). The property division aspect of divorce can create a very hostile


Leaving the Marital Home – Men’s Divorce Podcast

Cordell & Cordell Executive/Managing Partner, CEO Scott Trout and New York Senior Litigation Attorney Daniel Gvertz discuss what to do if you have left the marital home and what impact that may have on your divorce. Mr. Trout and Mr. Gvertz highlight the familial and financial implications


Finding Comfort After Divorce

Ending a relationship is never easy. Ending a commitment that you expected to be a life-long partnership and journey through life together is entirely something different. In going through the divorce process, you are experiencing intense amounts of stress. Between the legal hurdles involved in